Thursday, November 18, 2010

Proportion & Scale

Golden Section
The proportional relation between two divions of line or two dimesions of a place figure. The mathmatical equation in which the sum of two numbers are equal to that of the lesser sums.

The Orders
The orders are simply how the Greeks and the Romans used a proportion to express beauty.

Renaissance Theories
Are the theories of the Renaissance architects in which their theories were similar to the Greeks and Romans, they all believed that their architectural proporiton had to follow a numeric formula.

The Modular
Developed by LeCorbusier where modular proportioning is based on ergonomics and the human body.

The "Ken"
The Japanese unit of measurement. It is based on the size of a floor mat.

Refers to the size and proportions of the human body.

The ratio between the size of something and a representation of it.

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