Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Primary Solids: A form in its simpiliest state.

Circle- Equilibrium of points.

Triangle-Three points that connect to create a plane.

Square- Four points that connect to make a plane.

Dimensional Transformation: Alteration of a dimesnsion without destroying its original form.

Subtractive Form: When you take away or remove (subtract) pieces of the whole form to make a different form.

Additive Forms: Adding pieces to an already existing form to create a whole new form.
Centralizes Forms- Emphasis of a central point or element.

Linear Forms- Repretition of forms in a sequential pattern.

Radial Forms-Created when there is visual emphaisis on the ends of radial lines.

Clustered Forms- Forms that are grouped together cause they are in close proximity to each other.

Grid Forms- When horizontal and vertical lines cross over each other and create a pattern

Formal Collision of Geometry:When two geometrical forms collide and cross each other or collide.
Circle & Square

Rotated Grid

Articulation of Forms
Edges & Corners


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